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Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my tickets?

Generally tickets will be shipped within 4 days of your purchase unless the on hand date differs on the tickets you have chosen to purchase. The on hand dates are listed on almost all tickets now. If you do not see a date, assume that they are in hand and ready to be shipped out immediately. Tickets are almost all sent out with FedEx to assure prompt delivery.

Are you affiliated with the Venue or Performer?

Our website is a fan exchange marketplace and does not have any official relationship with either the venue or the artist/performer. We are not a box office or venue, and tickets may be above or below face value.

Can I ship to an address other than the billing address?

Our service does permit this on many events, though you may be asked to provide further identification to have the tickets shipped promptly and securely.

Can I get tickets last minute?

Yes, for a number of our listings we provide last minute delivery options, including E-Ticket download, Will Call, and Local pickup options. Please make the designated selection upon checkout.

The section and row are not the exact same as my order?

In certain cases we will upgrade customers to slightly better tickets if they become available after placing an order. This is done as a perk for customers of Tickets.Reviews.

Are all your tickets real?

All tickets sold by Tickets.Reviews are guaranteed to be real and get you into the event. We stand by our 100% Guarantee to ensure that our customers know they are receiving their tickets on time and without any hassle.

What if my event is Cancelled or Postponed?

If your event happens to get postponed, please contact us immediately to help find a replacement. In the off chance your event is cancelled, we will refund your order without any trouble!

Looking for tickets to an event and can’t find them on our site?

Please contact us with any ticket inquiries and we will see if arrangements can be made to find tickets to the event you are looking to attend.